IT Education

Staying secure means staying educated. Industry-leading IT Security expert Jay Rollins can help.

CloudNexus CEO and founder Jay Rollins has held several positions in senior IT executive management throughout his career. He specializes in system re-organization and building scalable architectures that enable IT organizations to focus more on strategic projects rather than fighting fires. In the top IT role at Churchill Downs Incorporated, Jay consolidated four IT departments into one, implemented new CRM capabilities, wireless wagering and other strategic projects for the company. He performed similar duties in the top IT role at Trilogy Health Services in Louisville, KY, and Expound, LLC, an Intel New Business Venture in Bedford, MA. Our customers receive the benefit of that experience everyday as we manage their IT systems and services and add significant focus on their cyber security needs.

Originally from the Boston, MA area, Rollins moved to Louisville, KY in 2004 and lives in Louisville, KY with his three children. Rollins holds a BS in Management from the University of Massachusetts and an MBA from Bentley University in Waltham, MA.

Learn from Jay

Jay has worked with hundreds of organizations to help teams better understand the importance of cyber security and the things they can do keep themselves and their information safe. To book Jay for a speaking engagement, contact us.

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