Cyber Security

CloudNexus offers cybersecurity solutions that provide big-company security and expertise to small and midsize companies, and all at a reasonable price. Our cybersecurity platform is the protection of your data, your business, your customers and your employees. We offer 24×7 monitoring, proactive intrusion prevention services and business systems recovery services designed to keep your information secure.

Security Audits

Healthcare, Financial Services, Law Firms, and many other companies have data that they must protect.  Patient, Vendor and Client data for many industries are coming under regulatory pressure to add protections to this sensitive data and have the controls necessary in place to make sure only those that need access to this data has access.  In the event of a breach, companies are required by law to notify all those affected or who could have been affected by the breach.  HIPAA, FINRA, NIST, PCI, this alphabet soup of security standards for various industries are not widely understood by many small and midsize businesses. CloudNexus’ team of experts can perform in-depth security audits to find vulnerabilities in not just the technology your firm employs but also the processes, policies, and procedures that need to be created, adopted and disseminated to employees.

Cybersecurity Training

CloudNexus’ training program provides training for managers, employees, and vendors.  We focus on external factors as well as policy and procedure education and review why it is important to the security of your organization.  Included in the training bundle is a monthly newsletter distributed to employees that includes a brief real-life example of a hack or a breach and includes a quiz that can be tracked so management knows that employees are constantly reinforcing what they learned in the training sessions.

To Request an Analysis or Demo

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